If you are searching for ways to get your website on the top of the list on search engines, attractive and attention grabbing content is the answer—as SEO (search engine optimization) and content work together. Without SEO, content from your website may show on the last pages of a search engine giving you the lack-luster traffic you want. However, being on the first page of a search engine can only take you so far. If your content is mediocre, traffic will disappear just as fast as it came, and your website will lose credibility by the minute—which is not good for your business! Below are some guidelines to follow when writing content for your website to achieve top placement on the search engines and stay there:
Steps To Maximize Your SEO Content
Content – Your Audience Comes First
Some companies tend to forget why they are writing content for their website in the first place. People are coming to your website because they have questions about your product or service and are looking for answers. Make sure to write content that targets your intended audience market that responds to their questions. Not every post needs to include your product or service, but they all should be tied into your industry. Writing good content that is appealing and educating informs your audience that you are an expert in your field of business and explains why you are superior than the competition.
Make Your Heading Titles Count
The heading title (or H-tag) is the primary tool to grab and hold your reader’s attention. You don’t want to write pages and pages of content, so you need to utilize the little amount of text you have available to make a big impact. Headlines that are straight to the point and the use of effective keywords are important. Your title and meta descriptions are what pop up in the search engines, so make sure they are intriguing and supports the topic of your article.
Keywords Are Important For SEO Too
Keywords are crucial in your headlines and in your content. Keywords are words used by a search engine in its search for relevant web pages. Using keywords in your headlines as well as in your content will give a head’s up to both your audience and the search engines what your post is about so it can place it in the search engines properly. However, be careful and mindful of where and when you are using keywords. If you end up using too many keywords, it can develop into search engine punishment for “keyword-stuffing”. Try to use keywords where they are needed so your post will have a natural flow about it. Also, using keywords in blogs is a great opportunity to pair your post with other blogs you have done that are relevant to your topic.
Build Structure Into Your Page
Just like writing a paper, you want to stick to your topic and have your ideas flow naturally to each new paragraph. Try to break up your content into smaller paragraphs with headlines. Not only does it make it easier to read, and keeps your target audience interested, but it also adds structure for the search engines to rank the value of the information you are providing.
Integrate Alt Tags In Your Images
Images are fantastic—they add visual interest to your content and making it more attention grabbing. The problem becomes that although search engines are great at reading and analyzing content, they still cannot “see” an image. Using an Alt tag is a way to tell the search engines, and handicapped users, what the image is showing.
Remember, SEO and content go hand in hand and they are very important to give your website the attention and traffic it deserves. If you have any questions about SEO or content, give us a call today!